Friday, March 12, 2010

tonight's gratitude (shabbat shalom)

Shabbat shalom, friend.

May you find rest and peace on this day.

May you find the quiet that allows you to look within.

May you come to see yourself as the holy being I know you to be.

My friends, you are so beautiful to me that you strain my heart with holding all the love I have for you. If you walked with me this week, or had coffee with me, ate with me, sang with me, prayed with me, cried with me, corresponded with me, made music with me, or painted with me this week, know that I love you beyond measure.

Would that I were strong enough to carry all your burdens for you and lighten your worry. Would that I could find the words to inspire and comfort and direct you towards true and lasting happiness.

But your happiness comes from within.

You must find it for yourself.

I will be here, waiting to dance with you in joy, to sing you a song of triumph, to paint you a banner of jubilation.

I pray for you to understand that you are divine, that you are connected to all the infinite love and wisdom in the universe. You are limitless. You are strong, courageous and wise enough to conquer every challenge that confronts you. You have everything you need within you and around you. Tap into it. Use it. Become all that you can be. I can see it in you. Won't you please see it, too?


  1. when i told you wednesday how lucky i was to have crossed paths with you...i meant it.
    you are a shining gem.
