Wednesday, March 17, 2010

reiki (still very new)

I think I'd like to post something about reiki while it is still new to me, while my my knowledge and understanding is still narrow and superficial, but my sense of wonder is wide open. Reiki is a spiritual form of energy healing, based on ancient/classical Chinese medicine, using chi(the life force in and around each of us) to improve people's well being and prevent and/or cure various ailments.

On Monday, I had eight hours of reiki training with an excellent teacher. Before earning my certificate, I administered a full basic reiki session "on" my classmate and gave a mini session to my intructor. I went immediately home and, after inhaling some leftover pizza, performed all the basic reiki positions on Max. Max said he saw colors, epecially green, and death eaters (as in Harry Potter) and also - get this! - said he felt like there was an electric current running up and down the center of his body. While he was "not uncomfortable" per se, he admitted to being a little "freaked out" and from this I learned to do a better job preparing clients for the sensations they might experience during reiki. I felt badly, but at the same time, I was also a bit thrilled to have helped Max become so much more aware of his chi.

While attending to clients lying on the floor, I have been finding it very difficult to hold each position for a full five minutes without experiencing pain in my hips, knees, back, you name it. I need to get a massage table, or do a lot more yoga. In order to hold a position and remain completely still, I must stabilize my hands, and to do this in a squatting or kneeling position, or bent over at the waist with bent knees and my elbows on my physically challenging. I have to believe it gets in the way of being fully present, energetically, for my client.

Yesterday, I pulled the two twin mattresses we keep for sleepover parties into the kitchen, and stacked them, Princess and the Pea style. I relocated the smaller of our two round kitchen tables out into the art studio and created a reiki room in the 9 by 12 foot space that used to be the breakfast room, before we came in here and tore down a bunch of walls. Now, my beloved Buddha Shavasana painting presides over the place where I channel energy and it could not look or feel more perfect...until my massage table arrives. While Paul took Max to his Tuesday evening acting lesson, I performed three reiki sessions - half an hour on Sam, twenty minutes on Isaac and then three quarters of an hour on my friend, Susan, who came by in her reiki-freindly flannel pajamas. (One should always wear natural fibers during reiki, and so I'm planning to invest in some all-cotton surgical scrubs to offer my clients)

Today, Marcy had a 40 minute session. Yesterday, Susan came back for a second one. Both men, but neither woman or child has fallen asleep during Reiki. Very interesting, but not sure what this means.

I love feeling the flow of energy under my touch. I feel very happy and peaceful when performing the reiki session, meditative and helpful at the same time, a wonderful combination. I cannot wait to learn more! I've purchased two new books of information about ancient Chinese medicine, but I also have reading to do for my memoir, reading to do to prepare for my collaborative, which meets next week...and I also need to start getting us all ready for our Passover road trip. Plus, we are adopting a dog a soon as we get back to town, and today she (the dog) spent the day visiting with me. So, it's pretty hectic around here.

Oh, joy!!! My massage table has arrived!!!

Who's next?

1 comment:

  1. me! me? not sure if u have open time, but i am 'off' work Monday 3/22 if u have anything open. i'd be honored & thrilled to be the princess on your mattress!
