Saturday, March 6, 2010

today's gratitude (random selection)

my gratitude cup is brimming over today; I don't know where to begin...

I am thankful today for the third daily dose of sunshine in a row - can anyone remain unaffected by this?

for the wonderful people I continually meet and discover in this strange and endlessly surprising little city I live in

for Lynne Hugo, who believes in me, and is therefore working to help me get my memoir ready for publication

for the many adventures I continue to have in my life and the many lessons I learn along the way

for hyacinth bulbs poking out of the dirt

for coffee, cheesecake and wine

for being invited on the first bike ride of the season by my children

for being able to accept their invitation

for labrador retrievers

for the Seven Hills Sinfonietta, with whom I am performing for the first time tomorrow

for my friend, Susan, who is going to take my younger kids to Graeter's during the second half of the concert so they don't OD on sitting still

for my husband, who allowed me to sleep through Isaac's 4 - 5 AM stomachache-based visit this morning, so that I could be awake for the dress rehearsal today

for the friends who are planning to attend tomorrow's concert, and those who only wish they could

for my home, which is ready to greet Spring with a mural on its exterior (today was the first time I had seen it without expecting to, from atop a bicycle seat, and it made me giggle)

for the wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh, whose words now add meaning to virtually every one of my visits to the master bathroom

for my snuggly little boys

for music


  1. Hi how are you?

    I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, and inspiring to me, so I thought why not leave you a comment.

    I have a blog also obviously and would like to invite you to become my blog friend.

    I mostly post about the Southern California experience through the perspective of my art.

    Maybe you can become my pal, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.

    Well I hope to hear from you soon... :)

  2. Jesse, thanks. I am now following your blog, and invite you to follow mine. I really like your artwork. You can see some of mine at

  3. thank you for reminding us of all the sweet wonderful simple things that we have in view to be grateful for.
    i am grateful for you my dear.
