Wednesday, February 3, 2010

today's gratitude

was interrupted by the need to call the plumber and then withdraw the majority of the money in our checking account in order to pay him.

No, that is not exactly true. Before I called the plumber, I had the privilege of waking, feeding and assisting my children and giving and receiving lots of love. I then paid to visit a friend, who made me feel wise, valuable, useful and appreciated, as well as fortunate that I am not currently confronting the dilemma she presently faces. And before I actually had to deal with the plumber, I was able to fill the tank of my minivan with gas for just $2.33 a gallon, which, especially by worldwide standards, is incredibly inexpensive.

I also got to go shopping, and load my cart up to the brim with all sorts of good things, including lovely foodstuffs to serve those of my son's friends who are joining us to watch the Superbowl, a beautiful brie en croute with pecans and fruit, and a very promising bottle of pinot noir to bring to the friend who's cooking dinner for us Saturday night, and even a set of 600 thread count Supima cotton sheets, just because I felt like giving a gift to Hope Springs(I <3 Hope Springs) when I go there for a silence retreat later this month. And lots and lots of soft, fluffy toilet tissue, which is a sure sign that I am living one heck of a comfortable life.

So, the fact that my checking account is now basically a yawning void and I must continue to owe creditors some money that I was about to pay them, is not good, but it is not so terrible, either. We get to continue to enjoy modern plumbing, which smells much, much better than the alternative. But I think I had better return the bed linens, at least until I get some more paid work.

Mural, anyone?

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